2007 [archives]
Best SPAM of the week - Posted on December 2nd, 2007
"impale beltsville embargoes commiserate gusto coxcomb human baklava lourdes pl
embargoes backgammon impale fran dumpty northeastern deathward impale dumpty backgammon carla midwives fiend basilisk inaugural horse fran embargoes catchword endpoint
emblem despondent northeastern congest northeastern chronography human baklava plagiarism savoyard
commiserate ruinous fortin hirsute"
It's really inspiring.
Where am I? - Posted on November 20th, 2007
(so you should reach me at this phone number 06 857 231 09)
Classified ad - Posted on October 10th, 2007
I'm looking for artists (musicians, painters, photographers, ...) who were officialy established and seen as artists and who have quited their art to turn themself into something completely different. Can be also in an other artistic activity. If you recognize yourself, I would like to take your portrait and ad it in a personal project serie.
Just contact me and drop few line about you. Obviously possible places where the portrait could take place for the moment are Paris and Brussels.
Looking forward to reading from you.
Where is my mind? - Posted on October 2nd, 2007
what have I done with myself since last post? Well...
I've shot some sets I've builded with my fellow assistant, featuring models and clothes. Eventualy, some tv guys from the national channel came to tape the session, but I managed to rolled some footage by myself with a digital camera smaller than a cigarettes box. Indeed, the film is quite foggy.
Here is this youtube masterpiece:
Then, I had a walk in the gardens of a big grey house for a dynamic ad agency from Gent, WATF. Very gentle job.
Later on, I was found and caught by the automatic shutter button of the camera, playing a quite massive guitar (I know, that's a cello) for Air (it's an ad agency in Brussels and Paris).
Then I visited Charleroi's Photo Museum and made the portrait of Hana Jakrlova, Czech photographer. Very redundant situation.
Personal com - Posted on August 26th, 2007
In less than 12 days 17 hours and 12 minutes, I'll marry this butterfly that caught me in her fairy net some years ago. Happy to be busy preparing everything.
Communication Blip - August newsletter - Posted on August 22nd, 2007
thank you for your attention!-----------
rhesus - album artwork & music video - Posted on August 20th, 2007
rhesus next album's release: September 24th. Meanwhile, have a look at the artwork or at the music video.
Pix from the flick's set:
Some documentary footages from rhesus' website about the artwork photoshoot:
Stray Prints - Posted on August 20th, 2007
Looks like I've been very much into aquatic mood recently. Made this serie with Jeremy Marchant's help for the retouching part.
Petits Riens - Posted on August 20th, 2007
Les Petits Riens is some kind of charitable society in Belgium, collecting used clothes and selling second hand. Organizing a defile in purpose of raising funds, they ask every year to several renowned fashion designers to create a collectible silhouette, that will be sold by auction.
Good Vibration - Posted on August 20th, 2007
Some print communication projects for the National Orchestra of Belgium. Good Vibration (Gelucks Suykens and Partners agency - media: print and posters). Couldn't drown the violin. I'm too sentimental.
Wet paint - Posted on August 19th, 2007
Long after last post or update on this website, I'm proud to give you its new lay out, wise and sharp, designed by brilliant webdesigner Colin O'Brien. I bow respectfully.
IFM - Posted on August 19th, 2007
Paris, Monday 26 of february, the French Institution for Fashion will release its yearly catalogue. As a young photographer, it's quite intimidating to be asked by them to work on the images that will fill most of its pages. Because it's an impressive institution. Because the previous releases were high artistic fashionstyle demonstrations. And because, it's a 'carte blanche' assignment.
First, I though, they dialed a wrong number. Then I started to plan something that worths the circumstances. I digged in my drawings notepads, searching for long series. I wanted to tell a precise and only story through those eleven collections from eleven different designers. That means at least 44 images.
3 weeks later, I was at the edge of an abyss of desillusion. After the shooting took place, I was totally glued in it.
The catalogue has been set up by some striking talented and inspired graphic designers, Petra and Simon, guided by uncompromised search for perfection. I had never seen before any layout fitting so perfectly my pictures. Even the paper smells great thanks to them.
I was planning silly situations and impossible set designs. I would have failed without the help and advices of priceless collaborators. Thanks to Pascal, who assisted me. I mean, who bore me till the end. Thanks to Maja who builded sets with her heart. Thanks to Jennifer for her patience. Thanks to Sebastien who made sure anyone didn't freeze to death and fed all of us. Thanks to Melody who helped every one and kept smiling. Thanks to Helene for her strange beauty. And thanks to my beloved wife to have endure so far my bad mood temper mixed with anxiety dysfunctional behaviors.